I also encourage friends and neighbors to trick-or-treat for UNICEF.
“Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF” has become a common sight during Halloween in North America. Started as a local event in a Northeast Philadelphia neighborhood in 1950 and expanded nationally in 1952, the program involves the distribution of small boxes by schools (or in modern times, corporate sponsors like Hallmark, at their licensed stores) to trick-or-treaters, in which they can solicit small-change donations from the houses they visit. It is estimated that children have collected more than $118 million for UNICEF since its inception. In Canada, in 2006, UNICEF decided to discontinue their Halloween collection boxes, citing safety and administrative concerns; after consultation with schools, they instead redesigned the program.”
And, of course the parade But this year I am heading out to Amsterdam so I will have to trick-a-treat early. I know- it’s drag
Here is the Google video of Halloween: