The emperor of all threat is the crowd “waqar zaka” war between 10 urban girls performing desi tasks of a village life in a form to competition. Plugging the fields, fetching the water from well, harvesting the crops milking the cows and numerous others. To augment the desi sense of the show, there is a ‘sarpanch’ to assess the quality of the effort and his verdict can not be challenged. as the champion is the one, who can do it the best. war amongst 10 girls for the brilliance of their work and the weaker being remove. Featuring: sana humayun model/actress ,vj alishba yousuf, mahleej sarkari miss pakistan 2007,sadaf nazir fashion model,rozina khan model/actress,sataesh khan model/actress, ainee khan model/actress,kiran tabir model/actress, kiran khan national swimming gold medalist, pulwasha yousuf vj/host...